I’ve released a short video calling for the immediate release of Tina Peters:
If you’re not familiar with the story of Tina Peters, the Colorado elections official and Gold Star mom who worked to blow the whistle on issues she found in her precinct but was then thrown in jail, visit LetMyTinaGo.us
She joined UnWoke.Academy for a special 4th of July 2024 episode:
If you would like to release a short video of your own, here’s how to do it (the following is from friends who are working on getting her released):
Upload videos in support of Tina to
Support for Tina video file drop: https://files.shinethelight.info/index.php/s/zZj4GiQ7HnQR4kQ
They will be posted on the website… Keep the important stuff in the first 15 seconds (name, org name, statement in support of Tina) then up to another 45-90 seconds of expanding on things. This is just in case we need to trim to squeeze more in.