It appears the letmytinago website is not working: Domain suspended or not configured

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ALERT 2: the original release of this post had a bad weblink. LetMyTinaGo.us was not working. That issue has been corrected.

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ALERT: per CB Coulter, and me double-checking, it appears the website is down. I've asked the organizers and will let you know when I have answers/hear back. 1:50 PM

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I can't imagine President Trump is unaware - why has he not pardoned her???

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Good question. Trump cannot pardon her because the "crimes" she was convicted of are State crimes and not Federal crimes. POTUS can only pardon Federal crimes. There are people working in Colorado and nationally to try to get her freed.

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Thank you for clearing that up. SO sad what has been done to this honorable Patriot.

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