For Ohioans, I’d like to bring this to peoples attention to what happened to me in the November 2022 election: I have voted since I was 18, now 69! In the November 2022 election I went to vote, gave them my name and DL license and was told they didn’t have me registered!!! I stated the following to them and was advised I would have to use a provisional ballot!!! I said that is not going to work, something is very wrong!!!!! As a former elected official for 18 years and on the ballot under my married name (on the ballot starting in 1997), I’ve been married 39 years (and changed my name right away), how could this happen, and was also elected for my precinct! Since I had to deal with the Board of Elections all the time, I called them immediately and said what is going on!! This is what happened. They had a “new” inexperienced employee go through people’s voting records to find a better signature and she went back to when I was single using my maiden name!!!! Seriously, over 30:years ago!!!! Now, for those who vote regularly, they don’t have you sign paper anymore, but sign on computer screens!!! Our signatures will never be like they were when we signed paper, so why would they do this!!!!!!!!!!!!! So how many people got turned away in November 2022!!!!!!!!! I am a fighter and didn’t let that go!! They immediately fixed it that day, but I told the supervisors why would you use old signatures versus what is being done now?? Our signatures are totally different now with the computer screens. Plus I know how my parents signatures have changed as they have aged!!! So imagine all of them being given provisionals or were they turned away!!!!!!!! So just imagine how this could have changed the outcome of the elections!!!!!!!
For Ohioans, I’d like to bring this to peoples attention to what happened to me in the November 2022 election: I have voted since I was 18, now 69! In the November 2022 election I went to vote, gave them my name and DL license and was told they didn’t have me registered!!! I stated the following to them and was advised I would have to use a provisional ballot!!! I said that is not going to work, something is very wrong!!!!! As a former elected official for 18 years and on the ballot under my married name (on the ballot starting in 1997), I’ve been married 39 years (and changed my name right away), how could this happen, and was also elected for my precinct! Since I had to deal with the Board of Elections all the time, I called them immediately and said what is going on!! This is what happened. They had a “new” inexperienced employee go through people’s voting records to find a better signature and she went back to when I was single using my maiden name!!!! Seriously, over 30:years ago!!!! Now, for those who vote regularly, they don’t have you sign paper anymore, but sign on computer screens!!! Our signatures will never be like they were when we signed paper, so why would they do this!!!!!!!!!!!!! So how many people got turned away in November 2022!!!!!!!!! I am a fighter and didn’t let that go!! They immediately fixed it that day, but I told the supervisors why would you use old signatures versus what is being done now?? Our signatures are totally different now with the computer screens. Plus I know how my parents signatures have changed as they have aged!!! So imagine all of them being given provisionals or were they turned away!!!!!!!! So just imagine how this could have changed the outcome of the elections!!!!!!!
Wow, this sounds awful! I hope you'll make contact with Mr. Wood and share this story with them