Some people are blue about the recent activities that took place in Ohio’s House of Representatives. I am not. In fact, I think what happened is perfectly wonderful. Here’s why…
The Ohio Statehouse has been a disaster for many years, unable to do anything worthwhile or helpful for We The People of Ohio. We’ve experienced a long parade of malfeasance and negligence.
Today is very different. Now it’s a totally new world!
For as long as any of us can remember, terrible back-office deals have taken place in Ohio, robbing us of taxpayer dollars, ruining our once vaunted Education system, opening doors to corrupt business dealings, and worse. And for all of those years, small numbers of people have called this for what it is: corruption and crooked deals. However, until recently, Ohio lacked critical awareness. We lacked the numbers to really push back and fix the things that ail our great State.
Some people call it “Awakening,” or being “Awake.” Call it what you will, Ohioans are no longer complacent. Thank Covid lockdowns, or stay-at-home schools and parents discovering what’s really happening with “education” via zoom, or pornographic books, or thank the movement of vast numbers of people to new, inquisitive sources of journalism… whatever the cause/causes, Ohio is anxious, unhappy, and awake.
About three weeks ago the Ohio House of Representatives Republicans met and voted to elect Derek Merrin as Speaker of the House, which delighted and lit up most of Ohio - hope suddenly skyrocketed among advocates of Medical Freedom, Bodily Autonomy, the Education-aware who want a return to Academics, pro 2nd Amendment, pro 1st Amendment, and just about every other important cause or Right you can imagine.
But then a terrifying and wonderful thing happened: at the 11th hour, the night before the formal vote to begin Mr. Merrin’s term as Speaker, a small group of renegade republicans worked with the Democrat Party to insert a status-quo, Democrat-friendly speaker.
Why do I say “wonderful”? Read on, you’ll see…
Tuesday 3 January:
This past Tuesday a Supermajority of Republicans in the Ohio House of Representatives expressed NO CONFIDENCE in a prospect for Speaker of the House. This is monumental! Let’s say that again: a Supermajority of Republicans in the House said clearly that they will no longer roll over and allow the horrible, destructive status-quo. They used the power of their vote (our vote) to finally declare, “ENOUGH!”
And as if this isn’t brilliant and wonderful enough, at the same time, We The People discovered who among the Republicans wants to stay with the bad, crooked, horrible status-quo. We now have a list of names of “republicans” who worked to arrange this last minute coup.
I’ll list the names in the comments below.
By the way, this is not the first time such a thing has happened. In the past, small groups of republicans (often referred to as “RINOS”) have worked with the Democrat Party to install Speakers who are friendly to status-quo (likely meaning corruption, cover-ups, bad deals for Ohioans, and worse). In the past, not enough people in Ohio cared about this or were aware enough to fight for better. That has all changed! The outrage this time is a thousand-fold bigger!
It gets even better!
Now that Ohio is much more awake than in the past, right away, starting immediately with the naming of the Democrat-backed Speaker, Ohioans from all walks of life began chiming in, expressing outrage, and - most importantly - doing research! You will not believe what has been uncovered about the people involved in and motivated to pull this coup! It’s sickening, but perhaps not surprising.
Here’s an example of what we’re hearing so far (I am unable to determine the truth of it and anxiously await reports from people much more knowledgeable than I):
…the real story is that Jason Stevens is the puppet of this lobbying organization and it's the same organization that was wrapped up in the house bill 6 scandal. This is their way of owning the legislature. And in return killing all of the conservative agenda.
What do you know about this? I am leaving comments open and will enable chat for the first time ever - I’d like to hear your thoughts.
Others have gone on to list all sorts of major issues that on the verge of coming to light, such as issues with the Illuminating Company - issues that some very powerful people will go to great lengths to keep out of the public eye. Assuming what we’re hearing about the Illuminating Company and various politicians is true, this could be huge, and I can see why people (if guilty) would go to great lengths to keep them hidden. But this time is markedly different; now We The People want to know the truth of such matters!
For now, we have someone who is effectively a Democrat Speaker in a Republican House. I say “Democrat Speaker” because he was elected Speaker of the House by the Democrat Party and NOT by the Republican Party - he is listed as Republican; however, I suggest that if there had been faith in him as a Republican, the elected Republicans would have elected him.
Why I call this all “exciting and good”
We learned on Tuesday who We The People of Ohio can trust and who cannot be trusted. And we also learned our path forward to correct the issue:
On the Republican side of the House a Supermajority did NOT vote for Stephens. This is effectively a Vote of No Confidence.
All we need to do is formalize this.
Seven is our magic number, I’m told.
Get seven Republicans to correct their vote in a House-wide, formal Vote of No Confidence, and the Speaker Role can be given to the person We The People/Republicans voted for originally. Then, poof, hope returns for Education, Healthcare, Medical Freedom, 1A, 2A, and all sorts of other things!
How do we do this? How do we get 7 Republicans to correct this horrible mistake?
Two things:
Over the coming days an array of reports are going to come out about various Representatives in Ohio (I assume they’ll be along the lines of the House Bill 6 issue above). As they come out, We The People of Ohio are going to share them broadly and will be contacting the offices of those we are learning about. I imagine that people much more versed on politics than I will create a target list of those Republicans with the most to lose and most vulnerable.
I suggest that the first seven Republicans who commit to correcting this should be given amnesty. I don’t know that amnesty from legal consequences can be offered (criminal or civil); however, it’s worth considering. At a minimum, they should be offered a chance to remain in office and participate in some way in the goings on of Columbus politics. The remainder of those republicans involved in the coup will not be so lucky.
Poof. Done. In very short order, We The People of Ohio can have our Speaker back, regain hope in our broken system, and diminish those republicans who’ve outed themselves as against us.
As for Jason Stephens, I suggest that integrity should have had him decline any such nomination. All House Republicans did, after all, meet several weeks ago and commit to the nomination of Derek Merrin and vow NOT to collude with the Democrat Party. His jumping from that meeting to discussions with the Democrat Party (I assume he had to have been involved) does not speak well as to his integrity.
Lastly; keep in mind that allowing this renegade republican coup to stand would have dire implications for Redistricting, Education, Medical Freedom, expansion of union powers, Courts/Judges, Green New Deal, LGBTQ-agenda, Bodily Autonomy, Parents Rights, and just about everything else you can imagine in Ohio life.
Parents need full rights over their own children, no grooming of children, keep sex ed out of school, keep porn out of school, stop crt and any other name they want to give it, fire teachers who break parents rights, no masks, no vax, stop all rinos, stop demrats and their left agenda. A ton more and hope we are not having smoke up our butts with this.
I completely agree with you if this can be done now to remove Stephens as Speaker. What I referred to in my comment of the last post was getting rid of all these rhinos in two years since they are just starting their new terms. If this can be fixed now, it must be to send a clear message that we will not tolerate this! I agree about the consequences that we will face if this is left to stand!!